
Controlling (3)

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%AM, %15 %041 %2015 %02:%Oct

Acceptance and revision of budgets

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The work of what department you want to improve?

You are here: Controlling: Acceptance and revision of budgets


Check products dedicated to you:

Control and supervision of budgetsControl and supervision of budgets

Budgets | Sheets | Acceptance procedures | Revisions | Versioning | Notifications
Have control over the project budgets and compare their revenues to their expenses. Have a systematic and repeatable development environment for zero-based budgeting, acceptance and supervision of revision budgets. Thanks to the ERP integration, you will get many benefits
%AM, %15 %041 %2015 %02:%Oct

Budgetary control

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The work of what department you want to improve?

You are here: Controlling: Budgetary control


Check products dedicated to you:

Control and supervision of budgetsControl and supervision of budgets

Budgets | Sheets | Acceptance procedures | Revisions | Versioning | Notifications
Have control over the project budgets and compare their revenues to their expenses. Have a systematic and repeatable development environment for zero-based budgeting, acceptance and supervision of revision budgets. Thanks to the ERP integration, you will get many benefits

Implementation of projects – ordersImplementation of projects – orders

Tasks delegation – work order | Acceptance | Tracking | Reporting | Notifications
Check out the budget assumptions of projects, obtain information about real expenditures devoted to the implementation of tasks. An efficient workflow is required in the implementation of projects
%AM, %15 %041 %2015 %02:%Oct

Financial analysis

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The work of what department you want to improve?

You are here: Controlling: Financial analysis


Check products dedicated to you:

Document archiving and managementDocument archiving and management

Storage | Organization | Search | OCR | FullText Search
Incredibly easy access to all documents in your company combined with an intelligent OCR and full-text search. The product also solves the problem of difficult access to documents

Cost invoices workflowCost invoices workflow

Indexation | Workflow | Assignment | Acceptance | ERP integration
The cost invoice is a document that could very well surprise the company’s accounting department. This is because the orders in the cost invoices (unlike the materials) have not been accepted or registered in the system. Orders are the source of information relevant to accounting – value, deadline, date of payment

Material invoices workflowMaterial invoices workflow

Workflow and invoice settlements with reference to order | Indeksacja | Integracja ERP | Integracja GM | Weryfikacja dostaw
Materials invoice is a specific incoming invoice – it is an important document of materials economization and finance, and is issued by the supplier in addition to the implementation the order. This a significant feature that distinguishes the materials invoice from the cost. Acceptance of the materials invoice could be a very simple workflow when a company carries out the registration process and formally accepts the purchase orders

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