The work of what department you want to improve?

Jesteś w: PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Project supervision


Check the products dedicated to you:

Control and supervision of budgetsControl and supervision of budgets

Budgets | Sheets | Acceptance procedures | Revisions | Versioning | Notifications
Have control over the project budgets and compare their revenues to their expenses. Have a systematic and repeatable development environment for zero-based budgeting, acceptance and supervision of revision budgets. Thanks to the ERP integration, you will get many benefits

Management of technical and project documentationManagement of technical and project documentation

Indexing | Archiving | Versioning | Revision | CAD integration
Get a competitive advantage thanks to the DMS product and become a pro quality company. Build a secure and long-term digital repository, effective and up-to-date documentation, and also minimize the number of internal and external complaints

Document lifecycle managementDocument lifecycle management

Preparation of letters/agreements/protocols | Document templates | Check-in/Check-out | Acceptance | Publication | Event history
Having an electronic document archive brings benefits such as quick access to the repository, controlled access to confidential documents. But with DMS’ advanced system, you can achieve a lot more
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